Recycling Clean Sheet Aluminum
Extra aluminum sheets can present a problem for everyone from contractors to homeowners, who have extra metals hanging around from old projects that they don’t need. If the aluminum sheets you have are clean, meaning not combined with any other material, and in good condition without dirt or debris, then you could get a good price for them at the scrap yard.
Sheet aluminum doesn’t just come in large sheets. Old pots and pans, old antennas, old chairs, and other items can also be made of sheet aluminum. Check the material with a magnet to be sure it is pure, and then collect it for scrapping. Not only will you get a bit of cash in your wallet, it’s also good for the environment to recycle these old materials.
For the best prices on clean sheet aluminum, come in to Scrap Stop, where our hassle-free system will get you in and out, and our fair prices will ensure you get a great deal.